Drifter Too |
The Fishing Calendar |
Rhode Island Fishing what to fish for when.Below we have provided a month-by-month overview of the usual species we can fish for at any given time. January. We don't fish in January. There are Cod around but it's a long trip. February. Cod fish. Cod are showing up in closer towards the end of the month and if they do we fish for them. March. Cod have shown up and we target them. They have come in close by this time so the trips aren't too long. April. Cod and Tautog are the targets in this month. Maybe a couple early season stripers. May. Stripers show up during the second week, normally. Also Tautog and Cod can be fished for. June. Stripers show up in a big way around Block Island, along with small numbers of Bluefish. Flounder and scup are also available. July. Lots of Bluefish as well as good numbers of striped bass, scup, and flounder. Sharking and some tuns trips can happen now. August. Stripers, Blues, flounder, scup, tuna and shark fishing are going on by now as the waters really warm up. September. Striped bass, bluefish, summer flounder, tunas, scup, and sharks are fished for during this month. A strong storm can drive off the tunas and sharks if it happens this month. October. Bluefish, scup, stripers, fluke, tuna and shark fishing can go on this month unless the water cools off quickly, then we are limited to bass and blues. At the end of week two we begin going after tautog. November. The sneaky Tautog and striped bass are still on the menu. December. Tautog are still around and we can fish for them until the 15th.
Copyright 2008-2014 Drifter Too Rhode Island Fishing Charters sailing from Point Judith Pond in Jerusalem, Rhode Island |